Easter is a time of celebration and joy for many families, but it can also be a challenging time for those who have food allergies. With so many traditional Easter foods containing common allergens like dairy, eggs, and wheat, you might need to make some changes to traditional Easter menus.
Playdates are the best part about being a kid! Getting to explore someone else's toys, great new hiding spots and their families favorite snacks! Â For a food allergy family, sending your child to a playdate brings with it a whole new level of anxiety. For the host family this can seem too daunting.Â
School lunches are a chore to make, made even more challenging when there is a food allergy in the family. We want to make making school lunches easier for you!  First, start with the best part . . . Cookies !!
Ah travel. Time to relax, re charge and let loose . . . . .unless you have a food allergy. Don’t let that stop you! With proper planning and a f...
“Mooooooooom, what’s for dinner?"Â
I bet you didn't realize that when you had a family you’d have to feed that family dinner. Every. Single. Day....
Running out of ideas for easy allergy free snacks? We thought so!  That’s why we created this list of easy allergen free snack ideas for school . . . or camp or play dates or car trips or vacation or movie night!
Food allergies can be caused by almost any food, however there are 8 that hold the title of most common food allergies and we have ensured that our Allergy Smart Cookies are 100% free of any of these allergens.