An insight into all things gluten – and why gluten-free products (like us) are NOT the enemy!

Let’s be honest, gluten-free products have developed somewhat of a bad rep over the last few years. Whether it’s diagnosed or chosen, is the gluten-free life for everyone? Definitely not! But can it be? Absolutely. We’re here to help change the narrative surrounding gluten-free diets from “missing out” to “gluten freedom” - understanding what gluten is, how it affects certain people, and why we at Allergy Smart choose to make our products 100% gluten-free. So let’s start with the basics…
What IS Gluten Even?

When most people think “gluten”, they think pizza, pasta, really anything “bread-y”. Which is mostly true, however gluten is a group of proteins present in grains like wheat, rye, barley and other cross-bred strains. It helps foods maintain their shape, acting almost like a glue that holds certain foods together. Gluten sensitivity is extremely common and affects a large portion of the population, from those with 'minor' irritations and bloating, to those with Celiac Disease (CD) by causing inflammation and damage to the small intestine.
"How do I know if Gluten is Affecting Me?"
Though symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, there are many common signs that you may have a gluten sensitivity, or even CD – but it is very important to differentiate the two. When someone with celiac disease consumes gluten, it triggers the immune system to attack the small intestine, however someone who is gluten intolerant/has non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) will get bloated, or experience diarrhea or constipation while not causing damage to the internal organs. CD is an autoimmune disorder estimated to affect about 1% of the US population, and can be diagnosed with a simple blood test. Those with CD commonly experience weightloss, as well as digesting symptoms, including diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating. Though there is no permanent cure as of yet, CD can be effectively treated and managed with a gluten-free diet. Amongst those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) however, some symptoms include feelings of a “foggy mind”, dizziness, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and headaches. Many people get diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or CD later in life, making it super hard to make such a drastic change in diet - but our products make for the perfect allergy-friendly replacement for those both with, and without allergies to enjoy!
“Are Allergy Smart Products 100% Gluten-Free?”

Some of our most frequently asked questions include: “Are all of your products gluten-free?”, “Do you use certified gluten-free oats?”, “Are your products safe for those with celiac disease?” And to all the above we say, ABSOLUTELY! With the rise in gluten intolerance over the last decade, we have hopped aboard the all-inclusive snacking train and don’t ever plan on getting off!
“But Cookies Aren’t the Same When They’re Gluten-Free…”

We beg to differ! As part of the allergy community, we were excited to see the increase in allergy-safe products over the last few years. However, we found there was always something off about them, and they all seemed to be missing something very important… the delicious factor. Delicious, all-inclusive recipes have always been our top priority and has led us to where we are today… proudly serving our 4 delicious, gluten-free cookie flavors - Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, Double Chocolate, and Snickerdoodle! OH, and did we mention our deliciously decadent ooey-gooey Chocolate Brownies that are ALSO gluten-free?! There’s lots more where this came from, so stay tuned as we continue to grow and expand our allergy-friendly assortment!
“What Measures Do We Take to Ensure ZERO Cross-Contamination?”

When we say we’re TRULY allergy safe, we mean it! We take extra precaution to ensure zero cross-contamination by individually wrapping all our products in our local, Toronto based top 10 allergen-free facility. Though all our products are free from the top 10 food allergens, we make sure to use certified gluten-free oats in all of our cookies making them 100% safe for those with gluten intolerance, or CD.
In sum, we stand strong with the gluten-free community, and those with other food allergies or intolerances and vow to always bring you the safest, and most delicious products and recipes! If you have any questions about our products, our facility, or anything food allergy, please don’t be shy to reach out on our socials (Facebook & Instagram) or on our website under “Contact Us”!